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A Training Log equals Progress

Catherine Schaumleffel coach/spokesperson

Log: A detailed record of a voyage.

Whether one has decided to get physically fit, become a competitive bodybuilder or powerlifter, it’s most advantageous to take a direct route from point A to point B. Unfortunately, there are very few times when someone is able to find the shortest path in any endeavor in life. You can read all the research in the world, talk to those who have been there and done that, and you will still make the occasional wrong turn, or proceed along the inevitable detour. As everyone who has succeeded has done, you are embarking on a voyage that is essentially uncharted. Does it not make sense to take the proper precautions to ensure the shortest, fastest, and safest route?

Using a training log during your journey is a precaution that will save you an enormous amount of frustration? However, in order for it to be of value, you must keep a detailed record of your successes and failures, what works and what doesn’t. Record every facet of your workouts, e.g., sets, reps, weight, tempo (if used) and rest intervals. Also include how you felt on a particular day, during your workout, or on a particular exercise. There are many different ways to train, but each body responds a little differently. Your individual response will become apparent in a detailed training log.

A detailed training log is map of where you’ve been. Without it you will not be able to recall exactly what you did or how you felt. This is increasingly important as your training progresses over weeks, months, and years. Your training log will allow you to know exactly what you did and what you need to improve.

Your previous training session is a written goal to beat the next time you perform those exercises. Every training session then becomes a possible achievement, which in-turn becomes motivation for the next training session.

Whatever your goal, you must first make the commitment. You have to want it and be ready to pay the price in advance. I cannot stress this enough. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Set the goal, chart your course, monitor your progress and begin your journey. Most importantly, do it for yourself. Make your workouts and eating well part of your lifestyle. If you want to be more muscular and stronger, but don’t train with 100% intensity, don’t eat right, and don’t use a training log, stop bitching.

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